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Laptop Stands

Will the aluminum material of the laptop stand scratch my laptop and other surfaces?

Fold Laptop Stand is fitted with non-slip silicone pads so your laptop is well-protected from any potential scratching. To be extra-safe, expand the stand to its maximum to avoid other points of contact. When on-the-go, store Fold Laptop Stand in the

I type rather hard on my keyboard, will Rise Laptop Stand still be stable during use?

Yes. Thanks to the aluminum metal construction and the non-slip silicone pads, Fold Laptop Stand is very sturdy even with its ultra-slim form, making it stable for daily use even with more force on your keyboard.

How do I install Rise Laptop Stand?

1. Make sure there are no ventilation slots or fans on the back of your laptop 2. Remove all the film from Rise Laptop Stand’s adhesive sticky gel frame

I'm using a PC laptop. Can I use Rise Laptop Stand?

That depends. We don't recommend using the stand if there are any fans or ventilation slots on the bottom of your laptop, as it may cause overheating for your device. If your particular model doesn’t have any fans or ventilation slots, then you can

I type rather hard on my keyboard, will Rise Laptop Stand still be stable during use?

Yes. Thanks to its strong fiberglass core, Rise Laptop Stand is very sturdy even with its ultra-slim form, making it stable for daily use even with more force on your keyboard.

Can I remove Rise Laptop Stand once I'm done using it? Will it leave any marks or gel on my laptop?

Rise Laptop Stand is designed to be an ‘always-on’ solution to streamline your everyday carry; the ultra-thin, collapsible form makes it barely noticeable when not in use. We don’t recommend removing the stand too many times as the adhesive sticky